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Seeking Things Above

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1)

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Praying for a miracle

When my dad had leukemia I really struggled with how to pray. At first I prayed for God to heal my dad. However, as the prognosis worsened I struggled with this request. I wanted God to heal my dad but reality was that he was going to die.

My prayers became more limited. I prayed for strength for my mom. I prayed for comfort for my dad as he suffered through treatments and the other ill effects caused by the disease.

These are important things to pray for when a loved one is hurt. However, I still wanted God to heal my dad. Why did I not continue to pray for complete healing?

I've thought a lot about this since my dad's death.

Why do we sometimes hold back from our prayers to ask God for a miracle? In my case, I think I was afraid to put my faith on the line. I was so certain that my dad's time had come. If I prayed for healing and it did not come, what did that say about my faith? What did it say about God?

If I had continued to pray for my dad's complete recovery, I don't think that would have swayed God and brought us the miracle we all wanted.

So why pray for the impossible?

Because God is El Shaddai, Lord Almighty. God spoke and the universe was created. Nothing is impossible for God.

What if God had healed my dad? Because I had stopped praying for the impossible, I would have missed having a miracle answer my prayer.

God knows what you desire and what you need. Why pray for the impossible? Because God is going to do great and impossible things. Don't miss out on the blessing of the impossible prayer being answered when it happens.


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