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If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1)

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Update on Moses

MosesA couple of posts back I introduced everyone to Moses from Liberia (he's the one on the left). Since that time things have changed a little bit around this story.

The Hand Center wanted to make sure that Moses' visa could be extended before they performed any surgery. The most important part of his treatment will be the rehabilitation. If he could not stay in the U.S. long enough to do the rehab then it would not be worth doing the surgery.

God is working through this whole process. The visa was extended until November 2 which gives us plenty of time for the surgery and the needed rehabilitation.

The next big change in this story is that Moses has moved in with our family. He'll be staying with us until his visa expires in November. My kids, as well as my wife and I, are very excited about being able to share our family with Moses for the next five months.

So far, the transition with Moses living with us has been extremely smooth. Moses gets along great with our other kids, although the four year old is still playing shy with him. However, Moses is up for the challenge. I think he's made it one of his goals to win her over. It's really pretty cute as he tries to get her attention and she hides her face (with the smirk that only the baby in the family can have).

I'm sure the next five months will be go by as fast as they always do. Before long it will be late October and we'll be trying to figure out how we're supposed to say good-bye to Moses.

Are we supposed to say good-bye?

It will be interesting to see what God has in mind.


Anonymous said...

nice update! Looks like Moses is being trained properly in the Baptist ways...Food and Fellowship! ha! It's great y'all opened your home to him. That is very unselfish and something God will bless you for I am sure.

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