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Seeking Things Above

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1)

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Hospitality, Stewardship, and Link Love


I want to thank Carol from A Second Cup for honoring me with the "I Love Your Blog" award.  I have mixed emotions about these meme-type awards.  On one hand it is an honor for someone to appreciate your blog enough to post an award for it.  On the other hand, I know through experience that it can be daunting to find additional bloggers with whom to pass on the award.

Finding other great blogs is not an issue.  I have a list of favorite blogs just from the Entrecard community alone that I follow.  The problem I've had in the past is finding great blogs that have not just recently been presented the same award or ones that don't decline the award when I tell them about it for various reasons.  I had such a hard time finding enough bloggers to take the first award that I was presented that I passed on one myself the next time I was offered the privilege.

I decided this time to rethink how I think about these types of awards.  An award like this from a fellow blogger is like a neighbor bringing you a gift and telling you what a great job you're doing in your community.  I should receive such a gift with honor and humility.  I should eagerly show hospitality by joining in the community of bloggers and pass the gift along.

1 Peter 4:8-10 (ESV)
8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:
Of course Peter wasn't talking about the blogging community or blog awards.  However, this award is a great reminder of how God wants us to live - loving each other, sharing with each other, and building each other up.

In this spirit, I gladly recognize the seven Entrecard blogs below.  However, I want all these bloggers to know that there's no expectation on my part that they post this award or forward it on.  Carol provided me with this "out" when she passed this award to me and I really appreciated that.  This is a free gift of on my part with no strings attached. 

If you are not familiar with these blogs I encourage you to take a peek.  They have certainly helped me as I seek the things above both on their blogs and with their contributing comments here.

A Godly Woman
Ima Blogger - Where False Doctrine Gets PWND
Random Thoughts - International Blog
Sound of a Soft Breath
The Plunge N2

And of course, although she does not like the recognition, if your looking for a good blog on family, home schooling, and all the joys and trials involved, I always highly recommend:
Hipp is My Middle Name

P.S. I'm supposed to include the rules for this award so here they are:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog;
2. Link the person you received your award from;
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;
4. Put links of those blogs on yours; and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominated


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tony..I'm gonna have to think hard about this for my picks. I greatly appreciate your reading my blog, but I really appreciate your heart in my reading of Your blog.
God Bless
Tony C.

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

What an interesting way to view these blog awards! That verse is applicable here but I never thought of applying it this way before. Awards can be a pain because they are so time-consuming if you find 7 blogs to pass them along to, but it is a nice way to promote others blogs for them. I know for myself I've found some new good blogs this way by taking the time to go through the lists others put up.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tony - Congrats! Your blog definitely deserves it. I see you got that cool tag cloud also! I have it up on my site as well.

Also - still working through the book - I read it when I have spare time (which is not that frequent these days.) It's a pretty good and inspirational book. Your father was a good writer. I'm surprised it was rejected by other publishers. Anyway - I'll report back again as I read through it.

It has brought a different perspective to the war that my father never told me about.

See ya

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tony. Receiving an award from one of my favorite bloggers is very encouraging to me.

peace in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you really deserve that award. God bless you always.

Tony said...

Bob O - Long time friend. I'm glad you are enjoying the book. I only skimmed it when my dad was alive (being the bratty kid that I was) so I am learning a lot more about him now that I'm posting his book online.

I've added you to my Entrecard favorites so I don't forget to stop by your blog more often - especially as we get closer to the elections.

- Tony

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Thanks Tony for the award but as always I am giving it to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for whom I write my posts. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks again bro and God bless you always.

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